Upcoming Events
2:00 am Race Against Hunger Zion High School
Race Against Hunger Zion High School
May 10 @ 2:00 am
This event is sponsored by the Mt. Zion National Honor Society. It will be a 5k race with an ice cream social afterwards. We will have trophies for the top male and female as well[...]
5:30 pm DRC Board Meeting Hill Senior Center
DRC Board Meeting Hill Senior Center
May 11 @ 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm

Come have a say in how the Decatur Running Club is managed! All current DRCmembers are welcome to come to our monthly meeting!
8:00 am FCC 5k to Raise 5k Christian Church of Clinton, IL
FCC 5k to Raise 5k Christian Church of Clinton, IL
May 16 @ 8:00 am

First Christian Church’s 4th Annual 5k to Raise 5k will be at 8am on May 16, 2015. Clinton’s May Days has activities all day immediately after the race. The 5k course will send runners and[...]
9:00 am “Support Our Jungle” Park Niantic, Illinois
“Support Our Jungle” Park Niantic, Illinois
May 16 @ 9:00 am
$20.00 for 14 & up $15.00 for youth 13 & under & MUST be accompanied by participating adult. registration forms are available at either Niantic Bank or by contacting Sandy Hiser Funds are being[...]
9:00 am Do Something 5k Village Park (pavilion near the tennis courts)
Do Something 5k Village Park (pavilion near the tennis courts)
May 16 @ 9:00 am
This is our third year holding this race to raise money for Treasured Adoptions. Treasured Adoptions is a group that supports families who are involved in any way in adopting children. The race will start[...]
all-day Junior Welfare Association Dash ... Bar and Grill
Junior Welfare Association Dash ... Bar and Grill
May 23 all-day

Join us for a family friendly event raising money to assist kids in Macon County with athletic shoes and clothing. Following the race will be a fun after party!
8:00 am Running of the Rams 5K and Kid’s... @ St. John Lutheran Church / School
Running of the Rams 5K and Kid’s... @ St. John Lutheran Church / School
May 30 @ 8:00 am
In the spirit of the Running of the Bulls in Champaign, our 5K runners take off on a neighborhood loop course in Champaign…with a head start. Several minutes later, a group of fast runners begin[...]
9:00 am DMH SPEC 5K/10K & 1 mile fun run @ DMH Spec Run
DMH SPEC 5K/10K & 1 mile fun run @ DMH Spec Run
May 30 @ 9:00 am
Click her to download the race entry form Click her to download the race entry form Forsyth Professional Center (Old Wellness Center), first year was last year, now offering a 10K also and 1 mile fun[...]
9:00 am MDA Memorial 5k Fun Run for ALS Bradley Park
MDA Memorial 5k Fun Run for ALS Bradley Park
May 30 @ 9:00 am

Every step you take and every mile you log advances MDA’s mission to assist families with health care services and day-to-day support, fund research breakthroughs worldwide, and fight back against dozens of life-threatening muscle diseases.[...]
7:00 am Volition America Chicago Half Ma... Field in Grant Park
Volition America Chicago Half Ma... Field in Grant Park
Jun 6 @ 7:00 am

Join us on June 6, 2015 at Avery Field in Chicago’s historic Grant Park for the Volition America Half Marathon & 5K. This new half marathon series is the first of its kind to honor[...]